Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Student Music Ministry at CUMC

I am excited, inspired, hope-filled.

The direction music ministry is taking CUMC is disciple making at its best. Encouraging young people to develop skills, strengthen talents, and discover ways they can impact the world is a remarkable culture. Achieving excellence and having fun, developing inspiring leadership and compassionate relationships, living out the gospel in ways that build up others are all key ingredients to a culture of encouragement.

Music ministry is more than a rehearsal or learning a “part.” The ministry creates and sustains an environment encouraging each young person to discover God’s unique gifts and call. We (the church) are a community encouraging young people to stretch their wings, explore possibilities, and strengthen positive leadership skills. We are a community which considers nurturing the confidence of young artists to be a high sacred calling. At the heart of our music ministry is a community of veteran musicians welcoming and standing along-side young artists. These veterans are themselves encouraged by those they affirm.  

Dr. Irene Messoloras is the Director of Music Ministry at Covina United Methodist Church. She uses the amazing talent with which God blessed her to encourage, inspire, and equip young people. Her exceptional leadership, heart for joyful artistic excellence, and compassionate commitment infects the music ministry.  

Covina has already been impacted by this exceptional ministry. Music in worship has touched hearts and stirred souls. Public presentations have offered joyful inspiration. People are finding a connection with God through music. 

I count as a blessing the joy of watching young people grow in skills, confidence, and passion. A culture of encouragement is the gospel giving life to everyone.

You are an important part of the community. You can share the culture of encouragement:
  • A financial donation is always welcome.
  • Spread the word about our exceptional music.
  • Bring a friend to worship or a concert.
  • Be blessed by the inspiration.
  • Tap a musician on the shoulder and say, “Thank you for the music. I’m glad you are here.”